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krav maga guide





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krav maga guide(圖1)-速報App

At present, most martial arts systems do not only aim to maintain personal safety, but also to win the martial arts competition. No wonder there are many martial arts exercises that also pay attention to the beauty aspects of motion. But, it turns out there is still a "real" martial system in Israel. The martial system is called "Krav Maga".

krav maga guide(圖2)-速報App

Krav Maga is a close combat martial system or self-protection system in the world that is devoted to actual combat. Krav Maga is not a sport, therefore Krav Maga is not contested. Krav Maga is also not used for games because this martial system is really studied for self defense. So, you could say that the martial arts system is more serious than other martial arts sports which, although it can be used for self defense, are more often contested.

krav maga guide(圖3)-速報App

The Krav Maga system is based on simple and reflexive steps, which work when pressed. The Krav Maga system continues to grow, the effectiveness of the technique is constantly being tested, evaluated and developed. People who study Krav Maga are referred to as Krav Maga Practitioners (Krav Maga Practitioner). The Krav Maga system is diverse but structured, consisting of a hit & run system up to the real deal.

krav maga guide(圖4)-速報App

Sometimes, the Krav Maga style develops according to certain laws in a country so it is difficult to teach Krav Maga to the original system. Krav Maga is not about 400 techniques, words, or movements that are beautifully seen. Krav Maga is brutal, fast, effective.